First round:
Review the monthly bills. My iPhone plan used to be the second tier plan, which costs about close to 50 dollars, and I have a mobile broadband plan that cost $20.
I change my phone plan to a lower plan and convert it to Coporate plan. I cancelled my mobile plan, since it's mainly for my iPad use. Usually, my son used it to watch utube.
Savings: $40 a month
Pitfall: when renewing/ upgrading your phone, it is so much cheaper to get the latest phone with the highest plan. I resisted. I also do not trade in my phone over the counter but go to second hand shop. I recently change to IPhone 5, yes 5, I sold my phone 4 I get $80 more value than what is offered by M1, it goes some way to offset the purchase price.
Second round:
Personal expenses. I always feel that it is very difficult to say No to my family meal in a restaurant during weekends. But i have learn to shut up, and let them suggest where to go.
Why did I talk about the above? Because it is a pitfall, it makes u feel that whatever small sum you save will be blow away in the weekend meal anyway. At least that is how I feel. So get past that, if u believe something is more difficult to cut, leave it first, but continue with those that u can.
I have also tapped on the mind, using budget skills, listing expenses, thinking of opportunity costs etc. It works when I am a single. Now, I found a better way. Tap on the heart.
It sound really silly, but here goes:
Remind myself how it was like when I am a kid. I was quite hard up for money then,
In fact it was years into my working life before I get over the feeling of insecurity and poor.
I invoked that feelings to wash over myself. I know all the tips to savings but I never able to do it consistently. I know I shouldn't eat excessive breakfast, and I bought oats to work. But I have them very irregularly. I also always treat myself to a better lunch whenever work permits the time, or a gongcha. Now, when I feel like doing it. I just have to feel poor, let the emotions overwhelm for a while, so much easier to shut that little voice craving for indulgences.
Not sure how long this will work, it work wonders for a week now.